Monday, September 29, 2008

Color renderings!!

These are just the beginning of a new...


Tuesday, September 16, 2008


here are some shitty ass renderings's 4.04AM....SLEEEP



Thursday, September 11, 2008

Pencil Render the First!

So I finally get into rendering and my first pack of assignments: 6 renderings of a cube and sphere. Now cubes I get but spheres are a little tough for me since well I've never rendered one with a smooth surface before. So I get newbie status and I'm really trying. Hopefully I get better at this, practice mileage...etc etc yes I know. I plan to milk this class for all its worth hopefully.

- Geebus aka Sunny :]

Environmental Science_First day @ Hahamongna!

Today was our first day at Hahamongna and it was pretty cool. Most of the students were not very optimistic about the field day, but I was thrilled to be outdoors and finally be sketching the native plant species of California. I almost had a lizard invade my pants, SCARY!


Monday, September 8, 2008

Geebus's first day :]

Its the first day of actually rendering and all is pretty good. Good thing I had someone teach me how to do all these things before I had to do them. Some first day rendering exercises here, most of them your textbook exercises: connect the dots, "be straight" lines, "draw ellipses not fake boobies", and last but not least the curve all respectively named by me of course. Still working on my mediums but this is a first to what's in store.

- Geebus :]

First Day of Rendering

Ah, the smell of newly opened markers, how I longed thee. Today is the first day of Stan's class and I'm feeling confident in my sketches. The lines might be out of wack,but the blood is streaming in my hands again. I'll post what we did in class once I get home. For now, I'm on my sidekick sitting on the grass @ PCC. Sketches are also coming from the pools so hold on tightly to your computer chairs.

EDIT: As promised...pichoress.i know they're bad ...just showing the progress :D. Practice Makes Perfect.

-Tuan Nguyen (Happy Asshole)