Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Biodiesel Poster Design

Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Some wooden shapes :D. Sunny is slacking, obviously. lol

Edit: I added the top two images. OMG i was like, i miss naruto, so i made that hand thing. It might not be accurate, but damn it's funny!

Retouch...I got really lazy?

There you go.....i did it in illustrator. IT TOOK SO LONG OMG. anyways, i did the cast shadow the accurate way, not the cheating way. Also i did some stuff on the cylindrical thing more than the top part, due to laziness. I should have just done it by hand, Tomorrow is another day.


PS. We got to talk to the Chair-woman of the Product Design Program of ACCD. It makes me way excited to get my shit down now. I think i was the only one that was really into sustainable design, no one likes it? Hopefully my environmental class will come in handy, i think it already has :D.

Monday, October 20, 2008

OJ Glass

Here is my quick Photoshop sketch of a OJ glass. I try to focus more on the rendering than the glass design. Not sure if the reflection on the glass is right. I also try to do this all on one layer so it is more like painting or markering right on paper. I think I had more fun rendering the orange...hahaha. Oh yeah...and this is straight from my reference.

Shitty Wood Illustrator!


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Design a cup!

starting some things out....


We're starting goes nothing.

Drink up....I want a beer.

Funny Bunnies multiply...

Here another photoshop of basic forms...guess how many forms makes a rabbit? Imagine doing this by hand...AARH! Thanks to copy and paste I quickly made a couple of them... LOL.
Yeah! this is my second sketch...catching up now.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Hi I'm Diana, and I'm Sexy.

It's a little rough. But i'm gonna smooth it out. Line drawing could be improved also, but overall it's gettin better.

Tuan Nguyen

Thursday, October 9, 2008

OK! Boys time to step up to the plate...Back to basics...

Ok this is my first post...the slacking ends here. I will try to keep up with you two on posting new sketches. I am going to try all digital. This one took me about 30 minutes on photoshop. You would think it would be much easier doing it digital since you have all the undos and what not. But trying to keep a clean work was a bit of a challange. Anyways you guys better run faster because I am going to catch up to you. LOL...

Step it up....


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

One step at a time....

i hate my cube.....and everything else that belongs to it....


new blood...means i gotta step it up

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Thanks Boomersan d(:|} )

Well its been a while since i've posted anything. I blame my busy schedule for this craziness. I barely catch any sleep, but that's ok since my skills are a-ok, but i'm sacrificing alot just to keep up: sleep, other classes, family activities all just to get things done on time. But it should go a long way I guess. Recently a CATASTROPHIC ERROR has happened and I just want to say THANKS to a certain someone for raising the bar :|. You know who you are! But here's a teaser to what i'll post later. Refer to Tuan's post.

- Geebus


I'd like to take this moment to thank U. Binh for letting Stan know that we were his nephews. Now we actually have to try and do work. QQ


Sunday, October 5, 2008

What a crazy weekend!

It's been a crazy weekend. With Flex Day on Wed, we didn't have class so work has been accumulated and my markers are getting dry. Getting better and better with the markers, maybe one day i'll do something cool looking. I'm probably going to do some more later tonight, but here's what I have so far. I'm going to build more on the reflective compositions, since they seem to be more interesting and not too hard! Catch you guys on the flip side.

P.S.- Sunny smells like fish tacos.
