Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Retouch...I got really lazy?

There you go.....i did it in illustrator. IT TOOK SO LONG OMG. anyways, i did the cast shadow the accurate way, not the cheating way. Also i did some stuff on the cylindrical thing more than the top part, due to laziness. I should have just done it by hand, Tomorrow is another day.


PS. We got to talk to the Chair-woman of the Product Design Program of ACCD. It makes me way excited to get my shit down now. I think i was the only one that was really into sustainable design, no one likes it? Hopefully my environmental class will come in handy, i think it already has :D.


Binh said...

Dude! 10x better than my shit!!!

Well, I did not want to use Photoshops tools like the lasso and layers and stuff to do this sketch. I think that is why my glass looks like shit...must try it again anotehr time.

Keep it up!!! Yo where is Geebus in all this??? Hey I post up shit too so where is yours??? (Calling you out MR.)

Binh said...

Hey! you better get your shit together to and get going in the School already!!!

"Getting in is not hard...it is staying through it all and Graduating is the hard part."

Hurry up already...Make sure you use Stan to help you with your portfolio set up.