Thursday, October 9, 2008

OK! Boys time to step up to the plate...Back to basics...

Ok this is my first post...the slacking ends here. I will try to keep up with you two on posting new sketches. I am going to try all digital. This one took me about 30 minutes on photoshop. You would think it would be much easier doing it digital since you have all the undos and what not. But trying to keep a clean work was a bit of a challange. Anyways you guys better run faster because I am going to catch up to you. LOL...


ISketch Blog said...

nice sketch and tone. all digi is cool. Time to fun fast sun bun.. we gotta lead this all the way!

ISketch Blog said...

What catch up?

Serena Lindsay said...

cool sketch- I'm horrible at photoshop.