Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Thanks Boomersan d(:|} )

Well its been a while since i've posted anything. I blame my busy schedule for this craziness. I barely catch any sleep, but that's ok since my skills are a-ok, but i'm sacrificing alot just to keep up: sleep, other classes, family activities all just to get things done on time. But it should go a long way I guess. Recently a CATASTROPHIC ERROR has happened and I just want to say THANKS to a certain someone for raising the bar :|. You know who you are! But here's a teaser to what i'll post later. Refer to Tuan's post.

- Geebus


Binh said...

Ohhhhhhhh shinny objects....some ones catching up on their skills...just need to work on your craftmanship...try to keep your gradations smooth and keep your edges clean.

Keep it up...cuz you both have to step it up now that Stan knows!!!!

ISketch Blog said...

I still can't believe you haven't posted anything. Slacker!!!!!

Can't believe stan knows now, our cover is blown.