Sunday, October 5, 2008

What a crazy weekend!

It's been a crazy weekend. With Flex Day on Wed, we didn't have class so work has been accumulated and my markers are getting dry. Getting better and better with the markers, maybe one day i'll do something cool looking. I'm probably going to do some more later tonight, but here's what I have so far. I'm going to build more on the reflective compositions, since they seem to be more interesting and not too hard! Catch you guys on the flip side.

P.S.- Sunny smells like fish tacos.


1 comment:

Binh said...

Hey are aren't have bad for an all nighter...LOL. I see lots of improvements...Still watch your cube line drawing it still a bit off...and the cylinder ends having a pitch points...some reflections do not look real...check your reflections...use a mirror next time to see what the reflection would look like. Keep it up.

Where are your Sunny?!!!!!